Tesla Scheiben beschlagen ständig: Ursachen und Lösung

Tesla windows fog up constantly: Causes and solution

Misted-up windows are annoying, but usually short-lived. Not so for some Tesla drivers - here you can read why.
Tesla Model Y Geräusche hinter der Frontkamera

Tesla Model Y noises behind the front camera

If the Model Y rattles while driving, it's annoying - but not necessarily a warranty claim. Read more about this common problem here.
Lösungen bei rascher Tesla Lenkrad Abnutzung

Solutions for rapid Tesla steering wheel wear

If the steering wheel cover comes loose, it can be extremely annoying. Unfortunately, the problem seems to occur relatively frequently at Tesla.
Tesla Hupe im Model Y zu leise – woran liegt`s?

Tesla horn in Model Y too quiet - what's the problem?

Especially in the Model Y, the horn can sometimes be surprisingly quiet. What are the causes?
Tesla Model Y: Beifahrer-Lüftung läuft ständig

Tesla Model Y: Passenger ventilation runs constantly

Anyone carrying a passenger in the Tesla Model Y can switch the passenger's ventilation on but not off. Why is that?
Tesla Model Y Frunk reagiert nicht | Problemlösung

Tesla Model Y Frunk not responding | Troubleshooting

The Tesla Model Y-Frunk is practical - after all, you like having extra storage space. But what if the opening mechanism fails?
Tesla Model Y: Unruhige Lenkung bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten

Tesla Model Y: Unsteady steering at high speeds

If you test the top speed in the Tesla Model Y, the steering can get wobbly. But this can be remedied.
Tesla Model Y: Ladeklappe schließt sofort wieder

Tesla Model Y: Charging flap closes again immediately

No charge, no drive! So what to do when the Tesla Model Y charging flap becomes a spoilsport?
Tesla Model Y: Frunk und Kofferraum öffnen ungewollt

Tesla Model Y: Frunk and trunk open unintentionally

Is your Tesla Model Y opening the trunk on its own? Find out everything you need to know about the cause & solution here.
Tesla Model Y: Leistungsabfall im Überholmanöver

Tesla Model Y: drop in performance during overtaking maneuver

When accelerating the Model Y, the power sometimes stops briefly - a dangerous situation. What are the reasons?
Tesla DC-Schnellladen geht nicht – Soforthilfe

Tesla DC fast charging does not work - immediate help

If the Tesla no longer wants to charge at the DC fast charger, this can quickly make long-distance trips impossible. So what should you do in such a case?
Tesla Model Y Fahrzeugstörung: Was tun?

Tesla Model Y vehicle malfunction: What to do?

With the Model Y in particular, it is possible that the low-voltage supply to the on-board systems is damaged and the car is no longer roadworthy as a result. What can you do?
Tesla mit WLAN verbinden: Lösung bei Verbindungsproblemen

Connect Tesla with WLAN: Solution for connection problems

Connecting Tesla to Wi-Fi made easy: Discover how to solve connection problems in this article.
Tesla Model Y Lenkrad schief: Problem und Lösung

Tesla Model Y steering wheel crooked: problem and solution

The Tesla Model Y steering wheel is crooked and you feel unpleasant vibrations? Read all about the problem here.
Tesla-Kühlung läuft auch im Parkmodus? Problem und Lösung

Tesla cooling also runs in parking mode? Problem and solution

Tesla cooling runs continuously? The problem may have been solved quite simply. Read all about it here.
Kein Ton bei Tesla-Freisprecheinrichtung: Was tun?

☎ No sound with Tesla hands-free kit: What to do?

Is the sound in your Tesla hands-free system not working? Find out the possible causes and what you can do here.
Tesla piept bei bestimmter Geschwindigkeit? Ursachen und Lösung

Tesla beeps at a certain speed? Causes and solution

Is your Tesla beeping? This can happen at certain speeds. Read here what you can do.
Tesla-Heizung funktioniert nicht: Das ist zu tun

Tesla heater not working: What to do

When the Tesla heater goes on strike, a car journey quickly becomes an ordeal. Read here how to get the heating working again.
Was tun, wenn Tesla-Navigation in Baustelle führt?

What to do if Tesla navigation leads into a construction site?

Almost every Tesla driver relies on the Tesla navigation system. But what should you do if your navigation takes you to a construction site?
Tesla Model 3: Handyschlüssel funktioniert nicht? Tipps

Tesla Model 3: Mobile phone key not working? Tips

The Tesla cell phone key is a practical feature. But what should you do if opening the app doesn't work?
Tesla: Das tun, wenn Netflix, YouTube und Co. nicht funktionieren

Tesla: What to do when Netflix, YouTube and co. do not work

YouTube and Netflix make charging in the Tesla entertaining. But how can you get streaming to work in the event of a malfunction?
Spotify-Anmeldung im Tesla geht nicht? Lösung

Spotify login in Tesla not working? Problem solution

Tesla Spotify login fails? Find out how to solve the problem and listen to music again.
Was tun bei Wasser im Tesla-Kofferraum?

What to do if there is water in the Tesla trunk?

What to do if there is water in the Tesla trunk? You can read about the causes and how to solve the problem here.
Mehrverbrauch im Tesla nach Bordstein-Rempler? Daran könnte es liegen

Increased consumption in the Tesla after curb bump? That could be the reason

Does your Tesla suddenly consume more fuel after contact with a kerb? Find out the cause and how to solve the problem here.
Tesla-Kofferraum öffnet sich von selbst: Das können Sie tun

Tesla trunk opens by itself: Here's what you can do

Does the trunk of your Tesla open automatically and unintentionally? Find out how to solve the problem here.
Tesla Model Y nach Abholung extrem laut? Mögliche Ursachen und die Lösung

Tesla Model Y extremely loud after pickup? Possible causes and the solution

Is your new Tesla Model Y extremely loud? Read here what the problem could be and how to solve it.
Tesla Model 3: Was tun, wenn die Heckklappe nur halb öffnet?

Tesla Model 3: What to do if the tailgate only opens halfway?

The Tesla Model 3 has a practical electric tailgate. But what to do if the automatic flap fails?
Tesla Model 3 Bildschirm schwarz: Problem und Lösung

Tesla Model 3 screen black: problem and solution

The display of the Tesla Model 3 the control center of the electric car. Find out here what to do if the screen fails.
Tesla: Induktives Laden unzuverlässig? Daran könnte es liegen

Tesla: Inductive charging unreliable? This could be the problem

Inductive charging in the Tesla is practical. Find out here what to do if smartphone charging does not work in the Tesla.
Tesla Model 3 hupt im Stand: Problem und Lösung

Tesla Model 3 honks when stationary: problem and solution

Is your Tesla honking when stationary for no apparent reason? Here you can find out what could be the cause and how to get the problem under control.
Tesla Model 3 : „Herbeirufen” funktioniert nicht – das ist zu tun

Tesla Model 3 : "Summon" does not work - this is what to do

It may happen that the summon function in the Tesla no longer works. Find out here what you need to do.
Tesla Model 3 lädt nicht? Das ist zu tun

Tesla Model 3 not charging? This is what to do

Is your Tesla Model 3 no longer charging or does it hang up at a certain battery level? Find out possible causes and suggested solutions here.