As in any modern vehicle, you sometimes feel surrounded by warning tones and system sounds in the Tesla. It's a good thing that many of them can be made significantly quieter thanks to the Tesla Joe Mode.
The Joe Mode Tesla story
The mode was introduced back in 2019 with software version 10.0. Since then, non-critical sounds such as when the autopilot is (de)activated or the blinker noise can be reduced to half the volume.
This was preceded by a complaint from a Tesla driver on Twitter, whose children sleeping in the back seat were constantly waking up due to the loud warning sounds. Elon Musk actually saw the tweet and had a corresponding function developed without further ado.
The name "Joe" refers to the "Average Joe", the American equivalent of the German "Otto Normalverbraucher", who has to live with the now corrected flaw every day when driving. Here you can find out how to solve five more Tesla faults yourself.
Tesla Joe Mode: Where to activate it
For example, if you want to switch on Joe Mode in the Tesla Model Y, navigate to "Safety" via the vehicle icon at the bottom left of the infotainment display and select "Joe Mode".
In this way, you can activate Joe Mode in every Tesla. Thanks to the fact that the sound volume is now only half as loud, the ride is much more relaxed - just like our noise-reducing roof window seal.
Do you use the Tesla Joe Mode? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments!